Clear and reliable results are our primary objective when testing or assessing the safety of products. All specimens are therefore evaluated and classified on the basis of product claims made by the manufacturer and reasonable customer expectations prior to testing. By way of classifying the product, we determine the relevant and applicable test requirements. Tests will be carried out in numerous steps. The results will finally be compared with our target values. We have intimate knowledge of market developments, the latest state of the art in safety engineering and the challenges of today for the industry. Our expansive network enhances our sense of direction in a vibrant environment.
Results of test assignments are the sole possession of our clients Third parties or competitors will neither be notified directly nor be able to obtain any information The laboratories are kept closed to the public while sensitive assignments are being processed. Products tested at will be kept under lock and key for up to ten years. Confidentiality is also prerequisite for our accreditation as GS body. In view of that, our company is permanently monitored by the Federal Office of the Länder for Safety Engineering (ZLS) in Munich.

A great variety of clients benefit from our services, facilities, efficiency and expertise. T They may frequently be competitors on the market. However and in keeping with our accreditation, we always maintain strict impartiality and we will frustrate any transfer of knowledge amongst competitors through our company. This is a precondition of our accreditation.
We test your product.
As a world wide approved and accredited test laboratory for micromobility and product safety we have been carrying out tests since 1991 on our clients’ products with utmost diligence.

Testing the whole - not only the sum of its parts!
Maximum Testing Accuracy on State-of-the-art Test Rigs
Certified Once, Accepted Everywhere
The issue of expert reports
Our experienced specialist issue your expert’s report
Expert reports from our experienced specialists

Partner for courts of law, insurance companies, trade and commerce as well as private individuals.
Collaberation with technical bodies and commitees of organisations suxh as the German DIN.
Remain competitive through our workshops
If you don´t go forward, you go backwards. Together with us you can keep up-to-date with the very latest test procedures, legal positions or the like.

Keep up-to-date through our workshops.
Always well-informed
Tailored to your particular needs
Keep up to date!
Browse up-to-date news from velotech experts on product testing, certification, approvals or technical innovations.
How to contact us
Get in direct touch with us via telephone or e-mail or by using the contact form below.